Day 3: Sunday May 28th cont.


I didn't know until I got there if I could do a fs air on this 14 foot wall.



Grant from Walla walla.

2 different angles of this crazy side disaster thing.

All I can say is Mike takes some great photos. Thanks Mike!

Sunday night we skated until our legs were jelly. Mike threw an impromptu barbeque, and we all brought something to grill, and watched videos and checked out photos from the day. A great time just relaxing.

Some were tired and wanted to sleep, I was amped. There was a new grindline park in McCall, ID that I wanted to check out. We checked the weather forecast, and it looked good. I got directions, and headed out about 11:30PM. The advantages of traveling in the Persuader are many. One of them is that the whole crew can sleep while I drive. And drive I did.

I set out thinking that I would only drive a couple hours. But, I plugged in my CD player, and head phones, and some had some caffeine on hand, and I was on my way up to McCall. At around 4am I started to question whether or not I had driven past McCall or not. I didn't notice it, but it's happened before. I get all amped and just keep on driving. So, I pulled over and decided to rest and ask someone in the morning. Usually I would have just been consulting the GPS on the laptop, but it wasn't plugged in at the time.

Day 4: Monday May 29th

After waking up at around 7:30AM I asked the local gas station folks, and they said I hadn't passed McCall, that it was still about 35 miles down the road. I was so relieved. After a pit stop for the crew, we headed for McCall.
Also worthy of noting, the belt problem we were having previously were gone now. Thanks to SlakJack, who helped us solve those problems with his expert mechanical experience (belt was too loose).

We arrived in McCall about 8:30 or so, and it was raining, but not to be deterred. We hit the local greasy spoon for some breakfast, to wait out the rain. The staff at this place was interesting, and I'll just leave it at that.

Page 5 of Hailey Trip, '06