Zach took a gnarly slam doing one of these.
See I can go backside (setting up for the fs air).
Dave going fs.
We skated hard for about 2 hours at Buhl before it started to rain, and get dark. We were all hungry and yet satisfied that we had our finally skated on our trip. A stop at the local Mexican Restaurant and we were well on our way to Hailey.

We headed up to Hailey. It was already dark, and we'd arrive in Hailey late, like 12:30AM or so (it's about a two hour drive up the hill). Upon arrival, half of our crew wanted to see this epic park even if they couldn't ride it. Even in the dark they could tell it was huge. We decided that to make the most of the next day, we would park in the back where the rodeo RV's park. That way some could get out early and ride, and others could sleep in, if that was what they wanted. It was quiet and cold in Hailey (probably 25 degrees at night), but with the heater, we all were warm inside the Persuader.
Page 3 of Hailey Trip, '06