Old Washington Photos
Steve grew up in the Olympia area. This was Barwicks ramp in Olypmia, 1983.
Steve doing a Rock and Roll on Barwicks Ramp in '83. Looks like Converse was the skate shoe of choice back then.
Frontside air early release, Barwicks 1983.
Smith grind, Barwicks 1983.
Airs are appropriate at the Olympia area airport ramp. 1988.
Renton had an indoor abandoned hotel pool, here's Steve in 1988.
Scott Smiley on the Nature Ramp.
Wez on the Nature ramp, a '88 session.
Wez Backside air on the Nature Ramp.
In the mid 90's Monk rented a house in west seattle, and put this ramp inside. This is Wez riding with a mustashe.
Ranquet's Ramp. Ron Stroderstom in '92..
Steve had a warehouse with a ramp, in south Seattle industrial area somewhere. In 1989.
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